
How We Made It Through 2 Long Months in NICU - by Rene

7:31:00 a.m.

Nota:  Esta publicación (Dos Largos Meses En La Unidad de Cuidado Intensiovo Neonatal)es en inglés.  Recuerda que la puedes traducir seleccionando tu idioma en las opciones de la columna izquierda. 

Today we have another Guest Blogger.  I'm very happy my sister-in-law decided to share this story because I think it is very special! Names have been changed for safety purposes.

Rene is from Australia.  She has been married to my brother, Ben for 8 years. They have two children, and the story she shares is about their youngest.
Serena, my youngest baby born at 28 weeks gestation.  This pregnancy unlike my first was rough. Terrible morning sickness, fatigue and very unstable blood pressure since the beginning. At 19 weeks with this pregnancy I was told by my doctor to give up work and spend the next few months taking it easy. On the 5th December at 28 weeks gestation I decided to take a little trip down to our family holiday home, with my parents to relax before all the hype of Christmas etc…. Driving down I felt off, in pain. So my dad thought it best we go to the local hospital just to check me over. Thank God we did!   
A scan showed my placenta had ruptured and I was bleeding internally, the doctor came in and told me the only chance myself and my baby had of surviving is for them to do an emergency C-section and deliver my 28 week old baby girl. A feeling I will never forget, the fear and emotion and most of all uncertainty. Due to bad weather the specialist team who care for premature babies was unable to fly in via helicopter and were forced to drive. Upon my request my doctor agreed to wait 2 hours (at the most) for them to arrive, I needed my precious baby to have the best care and chance at survival I knew I needed to wait!!!!! As my doctor grew nervous he refused to wait anymore, I was taken in for an epidural and prepped for surgery. My amazing mum (my hero) with me holding my hand the whole time.   A few minutes later my husband arrived, I still don't know how he made it in time. All of a sudden the room was filled with people (doctors, peads, consultant, neonatal nurse etc.) 17 people to be exact.  
Baby Serena

My amazing doctor delivered my tiny 2 pound baby girl at 12:40 am on 6th December!  I saw her for about 2 minutes until I had to go to recovery.  The doctors were stabilizing Serena for her long trip back to Sydney to the best Neo natal ward in the state.  Our journey had just begun.

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