
Comentario sobre mi blog.

6:23:00 p.m.

Hace apróximadamente 2 post atrás, compartí con mis lectores sobre cuál debe ser la posición de un Cristiano hacia la política y lo reafirmé con un video del pastor John MacArthur.

Hoy, una de las personas que más quiero y respeto, la hna. Frieda me compartió sus impresiones sobre la publicación:

I agree that Christians should vote, and I agree that this world is not our home. I agree that Christians should not be known MAINLY for supporting a political party—in the same sense that a Christian woman should be known mainly for a meek and quiet spirit, not for fancy clothes and hairdos. That does not mean she should not wear clothes or fix her hair (I Peter 3:3&4). I recommend a book by Dr. James Kennedy, “How would Jesus vote?” The main idea is that we should vote not for the candidate who is the best looking or who has the best personality, but the one whose principles are closest to those of the Bible. Many people don’t educate themselves, so I believe it is a good thing for Christian citizens to speak up for Christian principles and for the party that upholds them more (neither ever does perfectly) when they have opportunity.

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